Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Predictions for Saturday...


I can't believe I am running a marathon on Saturday. This Saturday. And not just a flat, tarmac, 26.2 miles. No, an extremely hilly, rocky, difficult and hardcore event. Just look at the picture! 42k on that.

OK, so most of my longer runs have gone alright but I just haven't run enough Monday to Friday. I've averaged about 3 runs a week and never got to over 35 miles in 7 days. I didn't manage the hill workouts I wanted to do and my eating has been appalling.

I have an excuse. Learning to be a teacher is bloody hard. I know others out there who managed to do an ironman, blog every day, teach and be a super ICT consultant are probably laughing but its taken its toll. After getting the kids to bed by nine, I then have to work so running has been very hard to fit in.

This has made me question the whole ironman thing a little but I think I just need to get more organised.

Anyway, my excuses are down in black and white. I have no goal for Saturday other than to finish. I would love not to be last but I think this is the most realistic chance I have ever had. This event does attract a lot of skinny, mad fell runner types which I just cannot compete with and I think the field will only be around 100 strong (99 strong, 1 less so).

Its also set to be cold and wet. Joy. Why am I doing this?
Picture of the Gower Peninsular courtesy of MyGeo web site.


  1. The blogging every day, teaching and ICT consulting Ironman says modestly, I know, I'm Superman on my days off! Seriously, good luck with the run at the weekend, sounds totally insane. Finishing last on that event would be no shame, just finishing at all sounds pretty hardcore to me.

  2. I'm sure you'll be fine on the day. The following day however....

  3. Fellow trainee teacher here (I found you via my husbands blog when he was training for the etape). I take my hat off to you, I have no other goals for the next six months than to finish my PGCE. Don't forget you're running after two kids as well.

    Good luck!

  4. Cheers John. It went ok. Report soon.

    Red - It was sort of fine and I already hurt.

    Sher - Yep, PGCE, family and training is a full diary. How is the PGCE going? Have you finished your first placement?

  5. Still going on my placement and OF COURSE my standards/evidence are the ones being called in for audit.
