Sunday, 28 February 2010

Race Report: Meon Valley Plod

After waking at 7 to the sound of heavy rain, I checked the race website to see if there was any "cancelled due to severe rain" notices but nothing.  I was going to have to run.

I arrived at the Sustainability Centre in Meon, south of Petersfield at around 9:15, plenty of time before the 10:30 start. It was still raining but not as hard as before.  The main car-park was closed due to mud which was an indication of the conditions to come.

We walked down to the start of the race and after the briefing we were off.  It starts in a field, up a hill and I was quickly out of breath.  It took me ages to feel comfortable, probably not until after the first big hill at mile 3.  I had the sniffles so that might have been it.  It might have also been the 8:40 minute mile pace we were doing.

The conditions were as bad as I expected.  The mud was deep in places, there were large puddles of freezing water that you couldn't avoid and in the fields, you picked up huge amounts of soil that made you feel like you had anvils for shoes.

Having said all that, it was great fun.  The route is varied and great to look at, there was a real feeling of everyone in it together and the cake and jelly babies at the water stations were very welcome.

After getting into my pace, I felt fine and pootled along until mile 11.  My knee was ok which I was delighted with.  I did walk down one very steep hill as I remember it hurting my knee last year.  I began to feel tired and had to concentrate to keep going.

I got to mile 15 which was Butser hill, a giant lump that had to be walked up and then to the final water station at mile 16.  A cake and a Mars Bar piece gave me a boost and I sailed down the hill and on to mile 18.  The last three miles were so tough.  My legs were like jelly because of the mud and the track we were on was really rough.  It was a long straight path that seemed to go on and on.  I wasn't going quick but I refused to stop so I passed quite a few people.

I crossed the final junction and kept going the last half-a-mile to the finish.  I was reasonably pleased with my time based on the conditions.  I felt at least as strong as last year when I did 3:30.

Time: 3hrs 55mins
Place: 162nd (top half, just!)
Total Finishers: 332
First: 2hrs 34mins
Last: 6hrs 16mins

Its going to be an odd week this week as I'm working at the school and my wife is away on business so I pretty much can't do anything for 5 days.  I'll just have to have a big weekend.

Saturday, 27 February 2010

Weather Warning

There is nothing like a severe weather warning before a race.  Its going to be a bit wet and muddy out there. 

I don't expect to finish much before its dark.

Race Season

I can't believe my first race is already upon me.  This weekend, I'll be running my favourite race, the Meon Valley Plod.  Its a 21 mile, cross country, hilly run on the South Downs.  It includes Butser Hill, the highest point in Hampshire.

Its a pretty silly race for this early in the season and times are not quick, especially if its muddy which it looks like it will be.

Its my favourite race as doing something so hard so early always makes me confident for future events, its a stunning route, its amazingly organised and it has the perfect atmosphere.  Everyone is in it together, smiling and chatting on the way round.  It also has cake at each marshal point which is fabulous.

As you can see, I am an elite at this distance with the number 2 :-)  My only aims for Sunday are to finish, stay injury free and have fun.  Time is irrelevant.

This race is quickly followed by the Spitifre 20 in 2 weeks and the Oakley 20 in 4 weeks.

Friday, 26 February 2010

The speed is coming back

I did a five mile run today.  I wanted try and run a bit quicker so I pushed from the word go.  I found a decent pace and really felt good.  I felt strong and wanted to go quick.  I feet felt light and I knew it was going to be a good time if I could keep it up.

Running is so exhilarating on days like this, when all the training and hard work comes out.  These are my splits which I am delighted with.  I'm back baby, I'm back!!!

Mile 1 - 8:27
Mile 2 - 7:28
Mile 3 - 7:19
Mile 4 - 7:18
Mile 5 - 7:46
Total 38:22

I hate morning workouts

Monday was a busy day.  I started my 2nd teacher training placement at a school around the corner from my house.  My first placement in a reception class and the day went past in a blur.  All a bit manic but I think it will calm down once I get to know the children and the routines of the school.

In the evening I forced myself on the the treadmill whilst my daughter was swimming and got a good 5 mile quick run done.  I pushed hard and ran strongly.  I got some good stretching in as well.

For the next 5 weeks, I'll be leaving home at 7:40 to start at school at 8 and with the evenings busy, I'm going to have to some sessions early in the morning.  I tried this on Tuesday and was up at 5:45 in order to get to the gym (5 mile cycle away), get in a swim and then get all the way back to school.  I HATE this.  I don't perform well in the mornings, the pool is packed at that time and I just feel really rushed.  I have no alternative but its no where near ideal.  As a result, the swim was terrible.

I had a much better swim yesterday.  For the first time, I did several lengths where I just forget about swimming.  I realised I was thinking about other things and not my breathing or my stroke.  A breakthrough?

Sunday, 21 February 2010

End of a bad training week

I had dreams that the half term week would be filled with early morning runs and evening swims but it didn't materialise.  Due to several very late nights (3 work related, 1 drink related) I didn't manage to get up at the 6am time I needed to in order to get an hour in before Cath went to work.  The days were filled with essay writing or activities with the kids and many evenings were filled.

I got a few very small bits done before the weekend.  Saturday was my swim lesson but a flat tyre put pay to that but I did manage a 50 minute run instead.  Then it was off up north for my Gran's 90th birthday in Yorkshire which was good fun.

We stayed in a hotel on Saturday night which had a gym so I did an hour hard running up hill on the treadmill this morning before heading to Leyland to see my other Gradndma.  A 6 hour drive home pretty much finished me off.

One thing to note was whilst driving from my Grans in Lancashire towards the south, I passed signs for Bolton, the finish of the Ironman UK, Rivington on the bike route as well as signs for Leigh, the location of the lake where the swim is.  All very odd to think I'll be back there in August for very different reasons.  Lets hope there isn't an inch of snow on the ground then.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

No Time

Three days into the week.  Nothing but school work and preparing for next week done.  Aggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 15 February 2010

Training Week 6

Week six is over already!!!  20% in to my Ironman training.  That's a scary thought.

It wasn't the greatest week of training.  Less hours than last week but still nearly 10 hours.  Really pleased with the swimming and the a 2 hour run yesterday was slow but really comfortable so that's on track.

Swimming - 3 sessions, 1.5 miles, 2hrs 10mins
Cycling - 6 sessions, 55 miles, 4hrs 15 mins
Running - 2 sessions, 24.4 miles, 3hrs, 15mins
(including 1hr15 of 5-a-side football - estimated 4 miles running)
Press-ups - 105 (A terrible excuse but I just forgot to do them this week)

Week 7 is just about seeing what I can fit in.  Its half term so I have the kids most of the week and then I'm off up north for my Gran's 90th birthday party so I'll take my running and swimming stuff and see if I can't get something done.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

SwimForTri Lesson 5

Another good lesson today.  After Thursday's great swim I had a nightmare on Friday morning, probably because I was tired or just the law of averages (for every good session there has to be a bad one).  Everything felt so hard so I really wanted a good lesson so keep the momentum.

Today's session was to link timing and rotation.  As I understand it, doing the basic extension makes you get used to rotation and shark fin and catch-up helps with the stroke.  We added the head-touch drill to keep improving our stroke and then basic extension with a stroke to link rotation and stoke.  I really enjoyed it and got a nice comment from the coach that my head position is really good.

This is what we did:

Kick only on front - To practice kicking correctly.
Kick only on back - To practice kicking correctly.
Basic Extension (BE) - swim on one side for a length turning head only to breath.
Shark fin - BE and tracing thumb up side to point elbow at ceiling.
Catch-up - Swimming flat, full stroke, touching hands in front each time.
Head touch - Used to keep hand high and aid good hand entry into water.
Full stroke - To put into practice all of the above.
BE with switch - Swimming on side with a single stroke ending up on other side.
Full stroke - No flippers.

My stroke is definitely getting better.  I really feel that I can pull through the water.  My breathing is ok at times but I'm still either holding my breath or taking too deep breaths and both end up with me having to stop.

Long run tomorrow.  Two hours or more.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Swimming Progress

After Monday's rest day and Tuesday where life got in the way, I was determined to make up for it on Wednesday. But I often find that if I miss a couple of days and get out of the routine, I find it incredibly easy to find a reason not to go training. This was my Wednesday.

So today, I was cross with myself. After lectures I headed for the pool and started with a few lengths of regular front crawl to warm up. Then I switched to a few lengths on my side before starting catch-up. This was the drill I learnt on Saturday.

I did length after length of this, occasionally switching to a length of regular front-crawl. The odd thing was, I found the catch-up stroke, touching hands at the front each time, easier and more calm than the full stroke. The full stroke was quicker but I was still fighting the water a bit. Catch-up felt smooth and I could really concentrate of a long stroke and a strong pull.  I guess my full stroke is a way from perfect but at least is going in the right direction.

I got to 20 lengths and then 30. I was getting tired but decided I should get to the hour mark and 40 laps. The last few laps were not great but I made it. I'm really chuffed.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Lazy Week

Its Wednesday morning and apart from cycles to and from uni, I have done zero exercise.  Shocking.

I have small excuses.  Monday was a rest day.  Tuesday saw me visit my placement school for the first time as well as having people over to value our house and this morning I woke to a flat tyre (I haven't got round to buying a spare for that bike).  I guess I could have gone on the bus but...

I realise its no bad thing as I really feel I need an easier week.  Don Fink's plan does have one easier week in every four but I think I just did extra because my weekly output has gone up steadily since the beginning.

If I run tonight, and swim on Thursday and Friday, it will be an ok week I guess.

On a different note, why has the spell checker gone in the new version of Blogger?  So many people are moving to WordPress for its increased functionality.  Why would they make that decision even easier.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Craft Tri Shorts

I did my run on Sunday in my Craft Tri shorts.  My first reaction was that they were comfortable and tight.  Not tight in a "too many pies" sense but in a compression clothing sort of way.  The padding was evident but not thick like my cycling shorts.

I wore a pair of loose shorts on top just for decency :-)

During the first mile or so, it did feel like I was running after having a small accident in my shorts.  If you asked me then, I would have said I will never run in them, especially 26 miles.  But after 20 minutes, I stopped noticing it.  I can see myself using them under my wetsuit and then on the cycle and run in shorter triathlons but I still think I'll change into my bib shorts for the 112 miles and then my running shorts for the marathon in the IM.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Training Week 5

Another good week.  Swimming went ok.  The lesson was excellent and the two sessions at Tooting were ok.  I did go to swim on Friday but the pool was so busy at 7am that I bottled it and went to the gym to run.  I'm still not confident enough to swim with loads of other people.  At the moment this is ok as I get to swim during the day when its quiet but after half term, when I'm on school placement, it will be early mornings, evenings and weekends only.

Running was the triumph this week.  I was very careful to keep stretching my quads and ITB so try and protect my knee.  As a result, I managed three short runs, 70 mins of 5-a-side and a 9 mile long, slow run in zone 2.

I still feel my cycling is well off the pace but I'm beginning to realise how difficult it is to feel that you are progressing at all three disciplines.  I have a friend who is doing great with the running but has hardly swam at all and another who is racking up the bike miles but only puts his trainers on once a week.  I am managing to do at least 3 sessions of each discipline a week so I am making progress.

Next week its much of the same.  Only the running is longer.  A two hour run on Sunday.

Swimming - 3 sessions, 1.2 miles, 2hrs 6mins
Cycling - 6 sessions, 64 miles, 4hrs 45 mins
Running - 5 sessions, 24.4 miles, 4hrs, 13mins
(including 1hr10 of 5-a-side football - estimated 4 miles running)
Press-ups - 343

I wonder when the first week will be when I swim more than 2.4 miles, cycle more than 112 and run more than 26.2??????

Saturday, 6 February 2010

So tired

The training is finally kicking in.  The benefits are starting to show with my running speed increasing and feeling a little stronger in the pool.

The downside is that I'm so tired.  I keep dozing off.  I'm currently sitting with my laptop trying to work but I've fallen asleep three or four times.  Admittedly, I'm trying to write a paper on the lack of male teachers in primary education and I'm reading some very dry literature.

I know I need to start getting to bed a bit earlier.  I'm not very good at that.  I start my second phase of teaching practice in two weeks which is going to wipe me out.

My swimming lesson was really good today.  We were doing a drill called catch-up.  Its like a full stroke but you keep flatter in the water and touch your hands together outstretched after each stroke.  Helps with gliding, being outstretched, being more streamlined and getting into a rhythm.  I really enjoyed it and felt my confidence rise a little.  Got to decide what to do tomorrow; either a long run (10 miles) or a long cycle (2-3 hours).  I'm tempted to cycle as I need to dust the bike down and get out there especially if the weather is ok.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

January Review

JanuaryDays: 31
Swims: 12 sessions, 7.4 hours, 5.9 kms
Cycles: 21 sessions, 16.7 hours, 203 miles
Runs: 11 sessions, 7.5 hours, 44 miles

Pretty pleased with Janaury.  I did all but one session from Don Fink's plan.  I did most in the required heart rate zone and my swimming improved so all in all, pretty good.  I was hoping to lose more weight.  I really must try harder with that.

February Targets:
Lose 4lbs
8 hours swimming
20 hours cycling
12 hours running
=10 hours per week

Monday, 1 February 2010

Birthday Goodies

My generous wife give me some excellent presents including:

New CO2 inflator for my bike
Craft Tri shorts

And the best of all, a pair of beautiful Rudy Project Rydon II Carbon - ImpactX Photo Red glasses.  I am a lucky boy.

Happy Birthday to me

38!  Seems quite old.  Never really bothered me before.  On the plus side, I'm healthy and enjoying life a lot.  Things are pretty good.

I fell off my bike this morning.  It was a bit icy but nothing too bad.  As I got to college, I saw a fellow student and waved.  I set off again and turned a corner without thinking and the front wheel just went.  Nothing too bad.  A grazed knee and I bent my tin containing my birthday cake.  The cake was fine.  Phew!

The people on my course were very kind.  I got balloons, cake, a card and a chorus of Happy Birthday. Thanks.

I got in a swim after college which was ok.  I'm now waiting for my wife to get home so I can open my presents and then take the kids out for a meal.  Happy days.