Sunday, 25 April 2010

Good week after marathon

History shows that after a marathon, I turn into a lazy bloke who likes his biscuits.  In the past, I have gone to seed in the weeks after a big event like a marathon, using the excuse of a 'job well done' to 'treat' myself for several days (or weeks).

This time, the marathon isn't this season's goal so I have to keep going.  My legs were like lead so running was out.  I found cycling fine so I was on the bike on Monday for the short commute to college.  Same on Tuesday and then Wednesday I decided to use my early finish to go for a swim.  My legs ached so I hardly used them but managed 35 minutes.

On Thursday, we had a full day of PE instruction.  We basically spent the entire day playing games that we might use with the kids in school.  It was great fun but tough doing it from 9am until gone 4pm with a short lunch break.  Friday was another swim and Saturday my swim lesson please 25 miles on the bike.

Sunday was a special day.  I started with a very slow run before heading down to docklands to see a couple of friends run the marathon.  One, Simon, was aiming to smash his PB and the other, Charlie, his first time looking to get round and enjoy it.  I was so excited for both of them of loved watching the race (but would have rather been running it).  Simon did a superb 3:44:30 and Charlie finished and is now in the marathon club.

I got emotional several times with people struggling or battling their inner demons.  I got most emotional at the beginning as I saw the elite men run past.  It is the first time I've seen the elites in a big event and they were stunning.  Shere brilliance.  They took my breath away.

Time - 2 hrs 20 mins
Distance - 2.3 kms

Time - 5 hrs
Distance - 62 miles

Time - 1 hrs 7 mins
Distance - 6.6 miles

Time - 8 hrs 27 mins

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Onwards and Upwards

So as soon as one challenge is done, the next one is on the horizon.

In this case, far too soon. The Fred Whitton is just over 2 weeks away and I am under prepared. The amount I have been running was taken away riding time so I will be undercooked. I will try and ride this weekend but the way my legs are feeling after the marathon, I won't be riding hard.

I will try a long ride the weekend after but it will be on 7 days before the event so any fitness gain will be negligible. I will have to just treat it as a super tough Iron Man training rise.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Brighton Marathon Race Report

The Start - The day begun at 6:40 as I sneaked around my brothers flat trying to make porridge and not wake my daughters.  It had been a long night with a party downstairs and a snoring man upstairs.  My brother drove me to the start and I was all Vasalined up and ready to go by 8:30.  The race itself was late starting due to a car on the course.  We were off at 9:15.

Miles 0 to 4 - The first mile was a shock with a sharp rise around the first corner.  My usual sub 8 minute mile didn't happen and I was behind my planned pace of 3:49:00 from the off.  After that, my pace picked up and at the 4 mile marker, I was within 3 seconds of my exact race pace.

Miles 4 to 10 - My pace was still good and I crept slightly ahead of my pace.  It levelled off at 1 minute ahead which felt fine.  I had a minute in the bank and was running strongly.  I wasn't really paying too much attention to my HR as I figured that the only way to get it back down to zone 2 was to go slower but I couldn't do that if I wanted to break 3:50.

Miles 10 to 13.1 - It was getting really warm by this stage.  I'd run the hills I knew about and sweat was dripping from my cap at a regular rate.  I saw my brother and daughters at mile14 which was lovely.  My thighs were beginning to feel tight and my feet were sore.

Miles 13.1 to 20 - It was still ok until I got to a horrible out and back road that was so straight and went on for ever.  It was just a long residential road and felt like hell.  Getting off it was such a relief.  The joy was short lived as we then went into a very bleak industrial estate; was this the best Brighton had to offer?

Miles 20 to 26 - I couldn't feel any pain in my feet which was good but my thighs had become very painful.  I needed to stop and stretch which I did but it didn't seem to help much.  Miles 22 and 23 were poor and that was where my dream of 3:49 went.  It only takes a couple of stretching stops and its gone.  I felt like walking to the finish but if I had failed to get under 4 hours I would have been annoyed.  So I gritted my teeth and started hobbling.  I picked up a little and tried to smile as I passed the family at mile 25.

Miles 26 to 26.2 - I realised I could still scrape a PB so I sort of sprinted the last 800 meters and fell over the line.  All that effort to shave 28 seconds off the PB.  I called my Dad and told him his PB is safe for another year.  I don't think the Ironman is a place to try and break your marathon PB.

Today - Oh the pain.  My legs have hurt before after marathons but never like this.  I have a sharp pain from my feet and the achy pain from my legs.  I really cannot put my full weight on one leg so stairs take an age.  Its going to take a while to recover.

Thanks to all my supporters.   To my brother for looking after my girls to cheering me on, to my daughters for watching me, to my wife who I know would have been watching me if she hadn't got stuck in New York and to all my friends who sent me good lucks.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Well, its was a PB

Full report to follow but these are the facts.

1st Goal: Sub 4 - ACHIEVED
2nd Goal: Break my PB of 3:57:40 - ACHIEVED
3rd Goal: Break 3:55 (my Dad's PB) - FAIL (again, Arrrhhhhh)
4th Goal: Get sub 3:50 - FAIL
I was feeling good at mile 20, on track for 3:48.  Then felt very bad by 21.  Missed two of my goals but it could have been worse.  I had to dig so deep in the last 2 miles.

Contributing factors:

1. The Heat - It was hot.  Probably the hottest day of the year so far.  Their was a slight breeze on the sea front but airless everywhere else.
2. Heart Rate - Looking at my HR figures, they were high from the start.  My last 20 mile run had an average HR in zone 2 (2.5) but I was only in zone two for the first 3 miles.  Miles 4 to 13 in zone 3 and the rest in zone 4.  Probable the heat.
3. Pain - Really tight and painful thighs in the last 4 miles.
4. Blisters - I had two of the biggest blisters I have ever had.  Very odd.  It might have been the reason for the thigh pain.  Blisters can make you run differently which results in pain.

Distance: 26.2 miles
Time: 3:57:31 (PB)
Average Heart Rate: zone 3.6
Finish: 1766th out of 7,500 finishers

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Marathon goals

Well, its the marathon on Sunday.  Its come round pretty quickly.  I feel quite relaxed about it.  Its not my main focus this year so if it goes wrong, no tears will be shed.  I do, however, aim to give my PB a go.

I'm not sure what to expect.  My training has been different than normal as I've been doing the three disaplines rather than just one.  I've made sure my long runs have been done but my short stuff and speed work has been replaced with cycling and swimming so I don't feel speedy

However, I am a little lighter and my heart rate is pretty good (I did most of my last 20 miler in low Zone 2).  This might result in a strong finish to the race which has affected my times in Edinburgh and Adingdon (I was on for around 3:50 in both of them at the 20 mile mark).

These are my aims:

1st Goal: Sub 4
2nd Goal: Break my PB of 3:57:40
3rd Goal: Break 3:55 (my Dad's PB)
4th Goal: Get sub 3:50

I know I am capable of all 4 but I know getting it all right is so tough so we'll see.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

iPod or not to iPod

So I was checking through the details of the Brighton Marathon when I noticed one of the items in the FAQ:

Q38.Can I listen to music as I go around the course?
A38. No. It is considered dangerous to wear headphones or iPods at events of this size. Should there be any blue light services needing to pass you or any emergency messages given out over tannoy systems whilst you are running you will need to be aware of them; therefore we must insist that headphones are not worn.

I had been planning on taking my iPod and wearing it for the first 20 miles or until I passed the family where I would take it off so I could concentrate of keeping going (that's the way it works for me).  Now it seems I cannot.

There is no mention of disqualification and its not worded in a severe tone so I imagine you could probably get away with it but I'm not the sort of person to go against rules.  I understand it can reduce a races insurance.  If that is the case, charge extra for iPod usage.

I posted a comment on the Brighton Marathon Runners World forum but quickly retracted it before I got flamed from all the iPod haters which there are many.  It does seem to be a bit of a Marmite topic in the running community.  And it does annoy me when I get lumped in with other inconsiderate runners who have their music on too loud so others can hear or cut people up.  I do neither.

After retracting my comment, I got a message from another forum member telling me how fierce the argument had got in previous weeks.  Some members threatened to 'out' iPod wearers and encourage water to be thrown at them.  Many said that iPod wearers were not 'proper runners'.  Idiots.

I also understand the need to soak up the atmosphere and wearing an iPod cuts you off from all that but I like my solitude when I run.  I am not really a people person when running.  This is why I prefer smaller runs or cross country where you can be in a race but also on your own.  I also do not believe that the bands on the course make up for the loss of my choice of music.  Humbug!

The safety aspect is often brought up.  I understand the argument but has it every actually happened?  Has an emergency vehicle ever been stopped by a runner with an iPod on.  I imagine they would just get a clip around the ear by other runners.

Having said all that, I will leave my iPod in the hotel and spend just less than 4 hours listening to myself go on and on about one thing or another.  Yawn.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Last week and this

Last week was initially supposed to be a big week with loads of cycling and running but with the passport mishap, I almost wrote it off.  However, it didn't turn out too bad; 9 hours of exercise.

Swim: 2 sessions, 2hrs16, 2.3kms
Cycle: 5 sessions, 4hrs25, 60 miles
Run: 2 sessions, 2hrs20, 15.3 miles

This week is very different.  With my marathon on Sunday, I don't want to run too much so I can rest my knee as much as possible. Along with another sports massage, I think that will leave me in pretty good shape for Sunday.  And to try and make some more progress with the swimming, I plan to swim most days.

Monday: Cycle with my daughter plus 1 hour on turbo trainer
Tuesday: 45 minutes swim plus sports massage
Wednesday: 45 minutes swim plus 30 minutes run
Thursday: 45 minutes swim
Friday: 45 minutes swim plus 30 minutes run
Saturday: 1:1 swim lesson and then group lesson (planned)
Sunday: Marathon

Saturday, 10 April 2010

New kit, swim and family

Its nearly my pay day and I still had some cash so I treated myself to some new pedals.  My current left pedal had become problematic and it was very hard to click in.  I tried cleaning it and using degreaser but to no avail.  So I upgraded slightly to a pair of Look Keo Max 2 in white.  They are pretty sexy on the bike.

It took a lot of effort to change them.  Firstly, I didn't realise that the left pedal has a reverse thread until I looked on You Tube.  Then, they were so tight, I slipped off the allen key and punched my large chain ring leaving 6 large bloody holes in my hand.  I eventually had to use my foot and when it loosened, there was a loud crack and I thought I had broken something.  I hadn't thankfully.

I got a very kind friend to look after my daughter today so I could go to my swim lesson.  It was painful.  I don't know why but everything felt wrong.  I think it stemmed from my breathing.  It was so off that it made the whole session rushed and a bit frantic.  Every part of it felt hard.  I hope it was just a bad week.

With my wife and eldest daughter still away, its just me and my youngest.  I'm trying to fill the days but she has an extremely short fun threshold.  We do one thing and its all good but as soon as its finished, the arms fold and the bottom lip comes out.  Of course, I don't stand for that but its difficult.

I made the most of the good weather this afternoon and combined exercise with entertainment and took her to Richmond Park for a cycle.  It is good, hard work pulling her up the hills and I will do it again on Monday as its either that or the turbo if I want to get some training in.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Why is swimming so hard

My confidence during my swim lessons has grown so much but as soon as I get in the 'big pool' at Tooting, it all goes to pot.

Today, I could not get my breathing, hand entry and catch right.  I could concentrate on one of the three and the other two would be a mess.  The length of the pool makes a huge difference.  It is 33 meters where as I have lessons on a 20 meter pool.  And I can't use flippers so it seems a long way doing drills.  I also still get a little frantic as I go over the deep end but that is getting less each time.

I know that what I consider 'going to pot' now is nothing like it was 2 months ago but I still think about swimming 2.4 miles and wonder how it is ever going to happen.  As the family are back next week, I can go to the pool every day from Tuesday to Saturday to get some consistent practice done.  It will also be good to get off my knee before the marathon.

One final thing, how cruel is it that its sunny this week.  I should have been out cycling every day but I can't and its the most beautiful weather for riding.  Sunny and warm, no wind.  Arrrghhhh!!!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The best laid plans...

Its always dangerous to leave passports unchecked until the day before a holiday!!!

My wife and the girls were meant to be flying to Lanzarote last Monday leaving me with a week to my self, free from any responsibility.  However, it turned out that my youngest had an out of date passport so there was no option but for a third of the travelling party to stay at home.  No lie-ins for me.  Arrrggghhh.

So we've made the most of it.  I had to ditch my mate Ed and go to Devon with the littlun.  My Dad looked after her for a morning so I could get a very pleasant 11 mile run in on my favourite ever route.  It is seriously hilly which I love and time goes out the window.  After the first hairy mile on the main road (no path), it is tiny lanes with no cars and stunning views.  I had to stop and take some photos.

I'm also shipping my daughter off to a club so I can at least go swimming and do a run or two.  I can't, however, ride as I can't be too far away in case I have to collect her early for any reason.

So tomorrow is a swim, maybe a short run and a stretch followed by a sports massage.  11 days until the marathon so I have to take it reasonably easy :-)

Saturday, 3 April 2010

How tough was that

I had my swimming sessions today.  30 mintues of 1:1 and then the hour group session.  I knew I was tired after yesterday's 20 miler but once I got in, I realised just how tired.  She had me doing length after length which as so tough but I am still making great progress with my stroke.

Then is was the group session.  I say group but there was me and one other; I guess people were enjoying the holiday weekend.  So, it was 6 laps of this drill then 6 laps of another.  Thankfully, the other guy wasn't a speed demon so I got a little rest before he finished each set of drills.

I'd love to know how many laps I did.  I'm pretty sure it was over 60 lengths of the 20 meter pool.  No to Devon and cycling.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Back on track

Well, after last Sunday's aborted long run (13 rather than the 20), I had one last opportunity for a proper long run before the marathon in just over two weeks.  As usual, when I have all day, I take all day to get out of the door.  I had to be back for 5 for a family movie followed by a trip to Belgo.  20 miles in around 3 hours so I had to be out of the house by no later than 2 o'clock.

So at 2:15, as I left the house, I was already set to be late and in trouble.  Rather than a loop that took me past my house for refreshments and the temptation to stop, I more my CamelBak and when on my London run carrying 1.5 ltrs.

The route took me through Battersea Park, Sloane Square, up Sloane Street with the posh shoppers and into Hyde Park.  I did a full clockwise loop of the Park before heading down to Buckingham Palace.  I then ran the last 4 miles of London Marathon route in reverse; The Mall, Birdcage Walk, Embankment to Tower Bridge.  It was quite exciting.  It was also very obvious that the many of the runners out today had a certain nervousness in their eyes!!!!

I do think its time for me to run London again.  Apart from the first one, I've had a terrible time at London as I was always trying for a time and failed miserably.  If I was to run it again, I could just enjoy it.

Once over Tower Bridge, I'd done around 14 and it was past the mayor's building and down the South Bank.  This is always a nightmare and I spent a while dodging people or stopping to wait for a gap.  This certainly slowed me.

The last few miles were tough in some ways.  My thighs were really tight which is a little concerning.  I will have to get a couple of massages before the big day.  My speed didn't drop which is great.  The other issue was that when I got home and stretched, I got some terrible cramps in my right calf; probably linked to my knee and tight quads.  Again, a sports massage should really help with this.

Distance: 20.3 miles
Time: 3 hours 4 mins
Average Heart Rate: Zone 2.0 (81% of max)
Cadence: 81 spm

Not really enough
One Gel
One Cola PowerBar with caffeine
1.5 Ltrs of water
A large burger at Belgos