Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Devon Run

I was staying down in Devon with my Dad so I took the opportunity to run my favourite route.  Its a 7 mile loop from Moretonhampstead and includes a pretty steep hill with approximately 750 feet of climbing.

My brother was also staying so he came along and so did Ezra who stays with my Dad and his partner.  The ice and snow had started to melt so it was a lot easier than it would have been on the previous few days but it was still slippy and very wet.

My brother set a fast early pace and I had to dig deep to keep the pace.  Once up the first hill, I caught my breath and settled into the pace.  I enjoyed being pushed and got to the bottom of the main hill in record time.

I felt good up the hill and I ran all the way up.  My brother Phil and Erza both showed great hill running ability.  Very impressive.

At the top I thought I could gently cruise home but the other two just upped the pace for the last 2 miles to Moretonhapstead.  This was only my second ever run with my brother and he has certainly improved since the Brighton 10k in 2009.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas Day Run

As I've done for the past 3 years, I got a long run in on Christmas day.  Its always one of my favourite runs of the year.

After the kids opened their presents and I had opened my socks and pants, I set off towards Bromley and my sister-in-laws.  I was due there at 1pm so set off at 11:30 (a little late).  It was all going well with a decent pace until I got past Dulwich; after that, the paths got more and more icy.

This cut my speed at times but I managed to avoid most of the ice and I ran on the road for a while which was clear.  It ended up taking a couple of hours, a bit longer than expected but fine for a long, slow run.

I enjoyed my Christmas dinner having already expelled a few calories; it always makes it tasted better.  My knees did hurt a little, probably because of the icy conditions.  Hopefully they'll be fine for my next run in Devon on Monday.

Happy Christmas everyone.

Monday, 20 December 2010


So, after doing the first 14 days of my challenge and being really happy with everything, the cold I had on day 13 and 14 turned into full-blow man-flu.  Following the rule of "you can run if its above the neck" but not if its "below the neck", I made the tough decision not too run on day 15.

This proved sensible because by this weekend, I was coughing up all manner of nasty stuff.  I am in no condition to run.  I've spent today sitting on the couch shivering.

So, a failure overall but it was always a tough challenge, especially at this time of year.  In my first 15 weeks as a teacher, I can say with certainty that I have only been completely clear of a cold for 2 of those weeks.  So to hope I would be illness free for the 31 days of December was speculative to say the least.

I now just need to continue with my training towards The Brighton Marathon building up the miles again as soon as I feel better.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 14 - Last minute

I originally thought I would have time between work and going out to do today's 10k but the slot vanished before I know what was happening.  So I had three options
  • Not run and fail the challenge
  • Cancel my night out and run
  • Run after the night out
The first wasn't going to happen.  The second would mean letting some people down and as it was a charity quiz night, I couldn't do that.  So it was the third option.  I didn't drink during the evening, nor did I eat the free food.  Instead, I answered a few quiz questions and left at 10pm for a very pleasant run home through London.  I ran from Monument down the Thames, past Westminster and eventually over Vauxhall Bridge.  Then down towards Clapham and then Balham.  Nealy 7 miles.

Day 14
11.1 km (6.91 m)
1:02:30 mins
Total in December: 150.1 km

Monday, 13 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 13 - Recovery

Not feeling it today.  I feel tired and a little sore.  Couple this with a lack of motivation and it was all I could muster to get out of the door and plod around just to get it done.

Day 13
10.21 km (6.35 m)
0:58:40 mins
Total in December: 139.0 km

Sunday, 12 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 12 - Fastest yet

Had no real aim other than running for a bit longer than usual. No much more but I know I need to be upping the distance of my longest run in January in preparation for the Brighton Half and the Meon Valley 20.  Its all a bit of an unknown at the moment.  My weekly mileage is high (46 this week) as I'm running everyday but I don't know what that will do to my endurance.

I set off round Tooting Common and then headed to Wandsworth Common. It was a bit muddy on the tracks so a little slippery in places in my road shoes but nothing too risky.  After a slowish first mile I upped the pace and felt good. By mile five, I realised I was going really well with my mile average around 7:45 which was surprising. I kept the pace up and finished feeling really good with an 8 minute mile average.

It was also great to wear shorts and no jacket for the first time in weeks. I think I even caught the sun :-)

Day 12
13.1 km (8.14 m)
1:05:14 mins
Total in December: 128.8 km

Saturday, 11 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 11 - Surprised

After an aborted trip to Belgium, a lack of sleep on Friday night, a day spent working on my end of term NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) report and a lot of rubbish food consumed, I expected to plod round today's 10k.

However, to my surprise, I was feel fine after the first couple of miles so I decided to run a fast one.  I pushed pretty hard and felt strong.  I had to be careful of my footing as it was on the edge of the Common and dark and I had to slow to cross two roads but I still managed a sub 7 minute mile.  6:57 to be precise.  With the same effort in daylight and with no roads to cross I could get that down further and I know I wasn't going at 100%.  It's looking promising for having a go at my 5K pb soon.

Day 11
10.2 km
0:54:01 mins
Total in December: 115.7 km

Thursday, 9 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 10 - I hate morning runs

Who in their right mind enjoys early morning runs?  I'm tired, my legs feel like broomsticks and I spend most of the run worried about needing a comfort break!!!!!!  It did feel a bit like a weird session; run 10k last night, sleep 6 hours, get up at 5:30 and run 10k again.
Foot ok today.  Might have just done my laces up too tight last night.

A couple of milestones today.  My consecutive runs are in double figures and I have past 100km.

If I can get through this weekend I will be pleased.  Off to Brussels so got to try and find a place to run.

Day 1010.37 km
0:57:32 mins
Total in December: 105.5 km

10k-a-day: Day 9 - Blah

Dull, cold, slow run.  Lost data on Garmin for some reason.  I run to forget

Day 910.10 km
0:54:00 ??? mins
Total in December: 96.1 km

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 8 - That's a record

That is the first time I have ever run 8 days in a row.  7 was my previous record on summer holiday so I'm now into the unknown.

Again today, I really didn't want to go out.  I went through many excuses in my head as well as ways to get out of it (for example, run twice tomorrow) but I knew that would spell failure.  So off out I went.

And surprisingly, I had a great run.  I had Marathon Talk on my iPod which helped with get through the first 3 miles at an ok pace (marathon pace of 8:45).  Then I decided to up it to a comfortable but harder tempo pace (around 7:50).  I held this well for 2.6 miles and was really enjoying it.  Then it was a cool down back to my house.

The next 4 days will be tricky as I have a few things going on in the evenings followed by a weekend in Brussels to see some friends.  Fitting in the 10k each day will be more challenging than the actual running.

Day 8
10.51 km
0:54:57 mins
Total in December: 85.0 km

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 7 - One week in

I really really did not want to go out tonight.  I was so cold and tired.  The tiredness was partly my fault; I stayed up until 1am to watch England win the cricket.  But the thought of failure helped me get out the front door into the -3 degrees.

I have bought two new compression tops this week.  One is Nike and one Linebreak.  I wear the Nike top (Medium red Nike Pro Combat Compression) last night which is really nice.  Tight without being restrictive and really comfortable.  I wore the Linebreak (White and gray, medium) tonight and wasn't that impressed.  It is very very tight and a little too shiny.

The run itself was poor.  Just went through the motion to get it done.  As a result, a slow time.

Day 7
10.21 km
0:59:10 mins
Total in December: 74.5 km

Monday, 6 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 6 - Bit tired

I had a long day at school day which was followed by then parents evening for my eldest daughter.  As a result, I didn't get out to run until 8:50pm.  It was cold again and I really didn't want to go out.  I think if I wasn't doing this challenge, I would of almost certainly stayed in and watched TV.

As it was, I put on my tights and other gear (including a new compression top which was very tight) and went out.  I set off at a nice pace for first 5 kms and felt good.  I had a spring in my step and held a good speed without much problem.  I then did a fast mile (7:09) before jogging back home.

The last bit felt hard work and I was tired by the end of it.  I'm glad its over and please with home I'm running.

Day 6
10.13 km
0:52:31 mins
Total in December: 64.4 km

Sunday, 5 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 5 - Fast(er) and fun

With the snow gone and the temperature above freezing, the run today was much more enjoyable.  My warm-up mile was the same speed as my quick miles in the snow and the rest was a mixture of a good, steady half marathon pace mixed in with some faster tempo work.  I also couldn't resist doing one sprint whilst listening to The Chemical Brothers - Push the Button.

I went through the 10k in about 53 which isn't breaking any records but with the warm-up mile and a few stops for traffic lights, it probably comes out under 50 which I will take.

For the first time, I do feel like a day off and the thought that it isn't going to happen for 25 days is pretty daunting.

Day 512.2 km
1:03:10 mins
Total in December: 54.2 km

Saturday, 4 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 4 - Tired legs and slush

Decided to run around Tooting Common today, just for the radical change.  I was meant to be running a cross country 10k but I did not have the car and the trains were up the spout due to the ice so I didn't risk it.

The weather was slightly above freezing so the ice was beginning to melt and I could run a bit more on the pavements.  On the Common, there was so much water and slush that it was really hard going.  It felt like I was wading and my knee did not like it.

By the last couple of kilometers, I had warmed up and loosened up and started to run quicker.  2 sub-5 minute kms were nice.

Hopefully no ice, snow or slush tomorrow.

Day 4
11.2 km
1:03:50 mins
Total in December: 42.1 km

Friday, 3 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 3 - No more ice

Huge effort to get out the door today.  Long week at school.  Inside play for three days makes the kids go nuts and we are rehearsing for the Christmas play so I am exhausted.  I bought nice food from Waitrose on the way home so I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and eat it.

Forced myself out, ice now everywhere including the Common.  Slipped around a couple of times to get the 10k done but did not enjoy it at all.

Enough with the snow.  I want to run quicker.

Day 3

10.3 km
1:04:12 mins
Total in December: 30.9 km

Thursday, 2 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 2 - Snow way to run fast

More snow so another slow "run" up to the Common.  Then a blast around the park with ankle deep snow in places.  It was hard work but with some gentle songs on the iPod, it was really enjoyable.  Running on fresh snow is a bit like sand; it is great because it cushions your foot-fall but also difficult as it gives slightly so you loose some forward momentum as your foot slides backwards a little.

I didn't think I could be slower that Day 1's 10k but I was today.  Not that I'm bothered.  It was hardly the conditions to 7 minute-mile.

Day 2
10.4 km
1:03:01 mins
Total in December: 20.6 km

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

10k-a-day: Day 1 - Brrrrrrrr

I'm glad I got that over and done with.  As I skidded home on my bike with Siberian winds in my face, I went through every possible excuse for not starting my challenge today.  Do twice as much tomorrow, do a 10k on January 1st to make up, lie, anything.  But I knew that failing on the first day was pretty rubbish so out I went.

Hat, buff, long-sleeved top, technical-T, coat, gloves, tights, shorts, socks and XC shoes.  Still shivering.  The wind bit into my face.  The 1km from my house up to the Common was slow, very slow.  I ran like a drunk chicken, trying to pick my way through the patches of ice.  This wasn't going to be fun.

However, once I got off the pavement and onto the Common, my Salomon XA Pros came into their own.  I had to be careful and place my foot well but the grip was good and I could run at a comfortable speed.

I stayed on the Common for two full laps before the tortuous kilometer back home.  Job done and no excuses needed.

Day 1
10.1 km
0:59:10 mins
Total in December: 10.1 km