Saturday, 16 January 2010

Fred Whitton Places

I just found out that I have a highly saught after place in the Fred Whitton. It is key to my training and a ride that I really enjoyed last year. I'm chuffed.

My mates Ed, SimonO and Bob have got places as well as blog friends Rob Shipman and John Sutton. The race for a sub 8 hour time is on.


  1. Sub 8 hours?! Add another 2 on and that might be about right for me. Chuffed to get a place but a bit nervous about this one!

  2. sought not sort

  3. Rob - I have no idea what I'll aim for. My cycling buddy is doing nothing but cycling and is getting a coach so I imagine I'll be on my own. On the plus side, he always slows me down with his broken bike (at least 30 mins least year) so 8 is an outside possibility.

    Anon - thank you so much for the English lesson.
