Saturday, 23 January 2010

Swim Lesson 2

I had my second swimming lesson with SwimForTri today. It started with a few warm-up lengths before moving to a recap of our leg work from last week. Swim from the hips, not the knees is the mantra. This is something I am having trouble with. My legs hang low, I use my knees too much and I flap my legs more and more as I get tired. I just have to keep working on this.

The next phase was to put on our flippers. I hadn't worn fins before so I was shock at just how much they help. It was great fun zipping through the water. We did a few lengths just practising our leg strokes before doing some arm drills. One on our back, rotating our shoulders out of the water whilst keeping our head motionless. The second drill was to swim with one shoulder out of the water for an entire length. I enjoyed this and found it OK.

I now have to do more drills and less basic swimming in the pool according to the coach. She says that there is little point doing length after length with a poor stroke as all you will do is ingrain bad technique. So its mostly drills from now on.


  1. How are the legs after swimming with fins? I remember my first time I couldn't believe how much they hurt afterwards!

    You are making me want to start swimming again!

  2. Legs do feel like they've had a good workout. Not too bad though.
