It turned out that rolling my ankle last Sunday resulted in more of an injury than I first thought. It was very sore walking down stair on Monday morning.
What didn't help at all was falling off my bike on the way too work. My handlebars had come loose and took me by surprise when they rocked sharply. I over compensated and jackknifed. It think it was quite spectacular as I learched over the handlebars. Luckily, no cars were near and I escaped with a skinless elbow, a grazed shin and a sore hip.
The hip and ankle have kept me out all week with another bloody cold on Friday adding insult to injury.
So its now Sunday and I am thinking of just heading out for a gentle few miles to test the various injuries. That way I will know my plan of attack for next week. I think my hip is back to normal but I can still feel an ankle twinge when walking downstairs. We will see.
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5 days ago